Washington, D.C.
? President |
Tenure |
1789-1797 |
1797-1801 |
1801-1809 |
1809-1817 |
1817-1825 |
1825-1829 |
1829-1837 |
1837-1841 |
1841-1841 |
1841-1845 |
1845-1849 |
1849-1850 |
1850-1853 |
1853-1857 |
1857-1861 |
1861-1865 |
1865-1869 |
1869-1877 |
1877-1881 |
1881-1881 |
1881-1885 |
1885-1889 |
1889-1893 |
1893-1897 |
1897-1901 |
1901-1909 |
1909-1913 |
1913-1921 |
1921-1923 |
1923-1929 |
1929-1933 |
1933-1945 |
1945-1953 |
1953-1961 |
1961-1963 |
1963-1969 |
1969-1974 |
1974-1977 |
1977-1981 |
1981-1989 |
1989-1993 |
1993-2000 |
Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
This site is? general overview and? many photos as well as other
information and? discussions regarding conspiracy theories, the trial, Lincoln's pre-assassination dream, John Wilkes Booth, plus biographical sketches of
some of the people involved, eyewitness accounts, and much more. You should also
visit the? Abraham Lincoln Research Site and the Mary Todd Lincoln Research Site
for details about their lives, including biographies, their sons etc.
Presidents of the United States
This site contains biographical information on the past Presidents of the United
States.? You will find links to more extensive information about the
presidents, For example, Papers of George Washington, or the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center,
States Vice Presidents
? | Name and Party | Term | Birth State | Birth/Death | President Served Under |
1. | John Adams (F) | 1789?1797 ? | Massachusetts | 1735?1826 | Washington |
2. | Thomas Jefferson (DR) | 1797?1801 | Virginia | 1743?1826 | J. Adams |
3. | Aaron Burr (DR) | 1801?1805 | New Jersey | 1756?1836 | Jefferson |
4. | George Clinton (DR) | 1805?1812 | New York | 1739?1812 | Jefferson and Madison |
5. | Elbridge Gerry (DR) | 1813?1814 | Massachusetts | 1744?1814 | Madison |
6. | Daniel D. Tompkins (DR) | 1817?1825 | New York | 1774?1825 | Monroe |
7. | John C. Calhoun | 1825?1832 | South Carolina | 1782?1850 | J. Q. Adams and Jackson |
8. | Martin Van Buren (D) | 1833?1837 | New York | 1782?1862 | Jackson |
9. | Richard M. Johnson (D) | 1837?1841 | Kentucky | 1780?1850 | Van Buren |
10. | John Tyler (W) | 1841 | Virginia | 1790?1862 | W. H. Harrison |
11. | George M. Dallas (D) | 1845?1849 | Pennsylvania | 1792?1864 | Polk |
12. | Millard Fillmore (W) | 1849?1850 | New York | 1800?1874 | Taylor |
13. | William R. King (D) | 1853 | North Carolina | 1786?1853 | Pierce |
14. | John C. Breckinridge (D) | 1857?1861 | Kentucky | 1821?1875 | Buchanan |
15. | Hannibal Hamlin (R) | 1861?1865 | Maine | 1809?1891 | Lincoln |
16. | Andrew Johnson (U) | 1865 | North Carolina | 1808?1875 | Lincoln |
17. | Schuyler Colfax (R) | 1869?1873 | New York | 1823?1885 | Grant |
18. | Henry Wilson (R) | 1873?1875 | New Hampshire | 1812?1875 | Grant |
19. | William A. Wheeler (R) | 1877?1881 | New York | 1819?1887 | Hayes |
20. | Chester A. Arthur (R) | 1881 | Vermont | 1830?1886 | Garfield |
21. | Thomas A. Hendricks (D) | 1885 | Ohio | 1819?1885 | Cleveland |
22. | Levi P. Morton (R) | 1889?1893 | Vermont | 1824?1920 | B. Harrison |
23. | Adlai E. Stevenson (D) | 1893?1897 | Kentucky | 1835?1914 | Cleveland |
24. | Garrett A. Hobart (R) | 1897?1899 | New Jersey | 1844?1899 | McKinley |
25. | Theodore Roosevelt (R) | 1901 | New York | 1858?1919 | McKinley |
26. | Charles W. Fairbanks (R) | 1905?1909 | Ohio | 1852?1918 | T. Roosevelt |
27. | James S. Sherman (R)3 | 1909?1912 | New York | 1855?1912 | Taft |
28. | Thomas R. Marshall (D) | 1913?1921 | Indiana | 1854?1925 | Wilson |
29. | Calvin Coolidge (R) | 1921?1923 | Vermont | 1872?1933 | Harding |
30. | Charles G. Dawes (R) | 1925?1929 | Ohio | 1865?1951 | Coolidge |
31. | Charles Curtis (R) | 1929?1933 | Kansas | 1860?1936 | Hoover |
32. | John N. Garner (D) | 1933?1941 | Texas | 1868?1967 | F. D. Roosevelt |
33. | Henry A. Wallace (D) | 1941?1945 | Iowa | 1888?1965 | F. D. Roosevelt |
34. | Harry S. Truman (D) | 1945 | Missouri | 1884?1972 | F. D. Roosevelt |
35. | Alben W. Barkley (D) | 1949?1953 | Kentucky | 1877?1956 | Truman |
36. | Richard M. Nixon (R) | 1953-1961 | California | 1913?1994 | Eisenhower |
37. | Lyndon B. Johnson (D) | 1961?1963 | Texas | 1908?1973 | Kennedy |
38. | Hubert H. Humphrey (D) | 1965?1969 | South Dakota | 1911?1978 | L. B. Johnson |
39. | Spiro T. Agnew (R) | 1969?1973 | Maryland | 1918?1996 | Nixon |
40. | Gerald R. Ford (R) | 1973?1974 | Nebraska | 1913? | Nixon |
41. | Nelson A. Rockefeller (R) | 1974?1977 | Maine | 1908?1979 | Ford |
42. | Walter F. Mondale (D) | 1977?1981 | Minnesota | 1928? | Carter |
43. | George Bush (R) | 1981?1989 | Massachusetts | 1924? | Reagan |
44. | J. Danforth Quayle (R) | 1989?1993 | Indiana | 1947? | Bush |
45. | Albert A. Gore, Jr. (D) | 1993? 2001 | Washington, D.C. | 1948? | Clinton |